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The vision of NSF Partnership for Research and Education and Materials (PREM) Center for Intelligent Materials Assembly (CIMA) is to become a sustainable, inclusive, multi-disciplinary scientific and educational research center in the Central Texas region that provides student from a range of backgrounds a pathway into advanced degrees and careers in materials science and that fosters state-of-the-art materials science research. The center's name, CIMA, the Spanish word for "summit," embraces our quest for scientific and educational excellence through the collaborative PREM pathway. 

The PREM CIMA will promote student retention and degree attainment through research and educational activities that leverage the geographical proximity of Texas State and our partner institution: The University of Texas at Austin. The two main foci of the PREM CIMA are:

Student-Centered PREM Pathway: Activities designed to promote student (1) recruitment, (2) retention, and (3) materials career preparation will be implemented throughout the year. These include the establishment of the PREM student organization, professional development and workshops, entrepreneurial training, faculty/student exchanges between partners, research seminars, and mentorship by trained faculty. 

Research: Our team performs interdisciplinary, collaborative research in the areas of reconfigurable soft matter and nanostructure control. This research promises advances in materials for biomedical, energy, electronics and environmental applications. Undergraduate and graduate students participate in the development of these new technologies through hands-on research.